Eu traduzi o livro do jogardor completo, hoje dia 13/09/2024 eu esttou publicando aqui nos comenatarios para quem quiser, ainda estou traduzindo as cartas e mapas mas colocarei aqui quando tiver pronto.
agradeço dicas e sujestoes e qualquer coisa so aviasar aqui mesmo pelos comentarios.
I translated the complete player's handbook, today 09/13/2024 I am publishing it here in the comments for whoever wants it, I am still translating the cards and maps but I will post them here when it is ready.
I appreciate tips and suggestions and if you have any questions just let me know here in the comments.
Hey, first of all - I really adore the idea behind the cards, especially for animals, reflecting their instinctive behaviour. I'm planning to test the game soon. But I need some clarifications. How do stats work (in sense of mechanics/die rolls)? They are supposed to "determine the character’s abilities and effectiveness in various situations throughout the game", but I don't see any examples, except "while one (NPC) with high Strength could be pivotal in a confrontation with a hungry carnivore", but it isn't helpful. Am I missing something? Second - is there any difference between "Dinosaurs on the Brain" and "Animal Handling" expertises? They sound exactly the same. Do their effects stack? Another question - Search icon indicates, that an area is searchable and a 6 is a success, but some locations (e.g. bungalow) require halving the result. So according to the rules a PC cannot find anything there? Or they find something on a 3 (5-6 result on a die)? Or "natural" 6 always means success (I guess not, then halving makes no sense)? And last one - how does lethal damage work? The weapon cards lack any damage ratings. Does each weapon deal 1 damage per shot? Or some of them should be more lethal? Do PCs need to make a check to hit something? Anyway, great job!
Hey, appreciate the feedback! And great catches. I'm currently working with some folks on a second version of the game at the moment, and I'll definitely include clarification in these areas. What you picked up on is primarily stuff that was changed between drafts and never readdressed. For now, here are some thoughts:
Stats primarily exist in the current version for the purposes of more immersive roleplay, in helping the group or the Game Warden determine effects of Attack and Chaos Cards, as well as effectiveness of player actions. In retrospect, it makes sense to include a D6 roll for Strength/Insight/etc. Check. when performing relevant actions. TBH they were more important in an earlier, crunchier draft. For reference, here is some of that section from the previous draft if you want to incorporate:
All characters are ranked between 1 and 5 in the categories of Courage, Insight, and Strength. A lower rank means that the character is less skilled in this area, while a higher rank means that this character is more skilled in this area. Stats are primarily used in situations where a Game Warden wants a player to check their character’s ability in a given area to determine if they succeed or fail at their action.
To make a stat check, the player will roll a D6 and compare the result to their relevant stat. If the result of the roll is equal or lower, the player succeeds. If the result of the roll is higher, the player fails. Rolling a 1 is always a critical success, with the character performing the action with ease, achieving the most desirable version of their intended action. Rolling a 6 is always a critical failure, with the character facing negative consequences to their actions such as injury or placing the character in a disadvantageous position for the next turn.
For example, if a player with a ranking of 2 in Insight wants to understand whether their character perceives any danger when entering a new building, they would perform an Insight Check. When they roll a D6 they get a 3. Because this is higher than their Insight rank, they fail the action and do not perceive danger even if it is present. Had the player rolled a 2 or a 1, they would have perceived any danger present.
Courage: Courage reflects a character's resolve, bravery, and ability to face danger or fear. It's not just about recklessness; it's about the capacity to confront challenging or perilous situations with composure and determination. Characters with high Courage are often seen taking the lead in risky scenarios, making tough decisions under pressure, or standing their ground against overwhelming odds.
Insight: Insight encompasses a character's intelligence, awareness, and observational skills. It involves the ability to analyze situations, understand complex systems, and deduce information from subtle clues. Characters with high Insight are adept at problem-solving, strategizing, and foreseeing potential outcomes. They excel in gathering and interpreting data, understanding dinosaur behavior, and navigating the park's technological systems.
Strength: Strength is a measure of a character's physical prowess, endurance, and ability to perform demanding physical tasks. It's not just about brute force; it's also about stamina and the capacity to handle physically challenging situations. Characters with high Strength can perform feats like lifting heavy objects, enduring physical strain, and engaging in hand-to-hand combat or other physically demanding activities.
"Dinosaurs on the Brain" and "Animal Handling" are indeed the same at the moment, due to a last minute change to how the Dinosaur Detectives item works. For the purposes of play at the moment, you can combine the two into just "Dinosaurs on the Brain."
When a dice icon is halved, the resulting dice roll should be rounded up. This makes it a 1/3 chance of finding an item rather than a 1/6 chance.
For weapons and health, this was another victim of the crunch-cutting of the stats, as well as changing the information present on the weapons cards. A D6 should be rolled when attacking, with 1-2 being ineffective, 3-4 being low damage (likely 1 damage, at the discretion of the GW), and 5-6 being direct hit (likely 2 damage, at the discretion of the GW). For a natural 6 on a grenade launcher, the GW may determine that it is a fatal hit, or a natural 6 on a pocket knife against a brachiosaurus may result in the loss of 1 health.
Excited to hear the results of your test, would love any and all feedback on areas of improvement.
as a huge jurassic park fan i love this, i have used other systems to butcher a story but this is fantastic, could you please consider doing a jurassic world themed expansion? please??
A full Isla Sorna expansion will be coming, at the very least! However, for at least the foreseeable future you may want to work with the card templates to create additional Dinosaur Cards for JW play. Hopefully a full JW version will be in the cards (heh) down the line.
The premise looks really good! Although I noticed that the Gameplay Maps and Chaos cards cannot be downloaded; strange, because everything else works fine.
Strange! They seem to be working for me now. If they still don't work for you, I've added everything to a Google Drive folder as an alternative download. Thanks for the kind words :)
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Hello!! Sounds like a great game to me. Very detailed in the data and the world. Will there be any Spanish translation project?
maybe some sarcos and elasmos too?
cool, hey could you make a mosasaurus card, since you use characters from the game?
Eu traduzi o livro do jogardor completo, hoje dia 13/09/2024 eu esttou publicando aqui nos comenatarios para quem quiser, ainda estou traduzindo as cartas e mapas mas colocarei aqui quando tiver pronto.
agradeço dicas e sujestoes e qualquer coisa so aviasar aqui mesmo pelos comentarios.
I translated the complete player's handbook, today 09/13/2024 I am publishing it here in the comments for whoever wants it, I am still translating the cards and maps but I will post them here when it is ready.
I appreciate tips and suggestions and if you have any questions just let me know here in the comments.
Link direto/direct link: mediafire:
Conseguiu traduzir tudo ou necessita de alguma ajuda ainda, gostaria muito de ter acesso às suas traduções restantes.
Hey, first of all - I really adore the idea behind the cards, especially for animals, reflecting their instinctive behaviour. I'm planning to test the game soon. But I need some clarifications. How do stats work (in sense of mechanics/die rolls)? They are supposed to "determine the character’s abilities and effectiveness in various situations throughout the game", but I don't see any examples, except "while one (NPC) with high Strength could be pivotal in a confrontation with a hungry carnivore", but it isn't helpful. Am I missing something? Second - is there any difference between "Dinosaurs on the Brain" and "Animal Handling" expertises? They sound exactly the same. Do their effects stack? Another question - Search icon indicates, that an area is searchable and a 6 is a success, but some locations (e.g. bungalow) require halving the result. So according to the rules a PC cannot find anything there? Or they find something on a 3 (5-6 result on a die)? Or "natural" 6 always means success (I guess not, then halving makes no sense)? And last one - how does lethal damage work? The weapon cards lack any damage ratings. Does each weapon deal 1 damage per shot? Or some of them should be more lethal? Do PCs need to make a check to hit something? Anyway, great job!
Hey, appreciate the feedback! And great catches. I'm currently working with some folks on a second version of the game at the moment, and I'll definitely include clarification in these areas. What you picked up on is primarily stuff that was changed between drafts and never readdressed. For now, here are some thoughts:
Excited to hear the results of your test, would love any and all feedback on areas of improvement.
as a huge jurassic park fan i love this, i have used other systems to butcher a story but this is fantastic, could you please consider doing a jurassic world themed expansion? please??
A full Isla Sorna expansion will be coming, at the very least! However, for at least the foreseeable future you may want to work with the card templates to create additional Dinosaur Cards for JW play. Hopefully a full JW version will be in the cards (heh) down the line.
The premise looks really good! Although I noticed that the Gameplay Maps and Chaos cards cannot be downloaded; strange, because everything else works fine.
Strange! They seem to be working for me now. If they still don't work for you, I've added everything to a Google Drive folder as an alternative download. Thanks for the kind words :)
They are working now, it must have been a glitch; thanks for the quick reply!